Sunday, March 13, 2016

Doc, Google for Me

 It almost feels like I haven't got to talk about another technology tool that I've learned to use that could be usable for teaching elementary students. I never new how to use Google Docs. The first time I've ever heard of that was when I noticed my fifteen year old sister was doing most of her homework on it. I wasn't quite sure how it can really save all your work that you make on it, because I had a feeling with all your ideas and work you make saved online would be a likely way for people scheming to plagiarize the ideas. But mostly, I wasn't quite sure how Google Docs works. All the time, I just assumed that people who were born in the 21st century know how to use that technology a lot better than any other thing. I was born in 1993 and my sister was born in 2000, the beginning of the 21st century. I guess I just assumed that only people who were either born during or barely at the beginning of the 21st century would better know how to use technology. Maybe I better stop conclusions and just get on with the fact that anybody can use Google Docs.

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